I hate dieting.
But I love the feeling of success and losing weight. It is always a struggle for me and this past summer I was at my heaviest. I hated that feeling. I felt out of breath, bloated, ugly, etc.
One little motivation I had this summer was a trip to my favorite place. Yep, you guessed it...Disney! So I started my diet on May 29th. My vacation started June 27th.
Dieting is so hard for me! (You may now get out your tiny violins for this pity party.)
The only diet that works for me is the Dukan Diet. I am a very picky eater so this is a high protein with no carbs and no sugars diet. I love meat (literally a carnivore T-Rex here) so I can do this.
So I worked hard and lost 13.4 lbs that month. Whooo hooo! Go me! I felt better, my clothes fit better, and I was pretty happy with my results.
Then I went to Disney and everyone knows that it is almost impossible to diet on vacation. Well, maybe not everybody, but certainly me. I admit that I enjoyed myself and ate what I wanted while there. When I got back home and got on the scales, I had gained over 3 lbs back. Ok Ok...not good but not too bad.
But here is where I would normally give up. I hate that, but it's true. I needed more motivation.
I could just keep planning Disney trips as motivation, but I found something that may be a little more cost efficient...even lucrative.
Let me tell you about HealthyWage! HealthyWage is where you can win big, real cash prizes for weight loss. Yes, you read that right...they pay you money when you lose weight.
It's kinda like putting your money where your mouth is. You are betting on you and gambling on how much weight you can lose.
The first thing to do would be to sign up and join a Wellness Challenge. There are personal challenges, team challenges, and even corporate challenges where you can get your co-workers involved.
My first challenge I signed up for was the Going for the Goal Jackpot Challenge. It started on August 17th and ends on November 9th. I had to lose 6% of my weight in that time frame. You pay a set monthly fee to participate in the challenge and that money goes into a pot. At the end of the challenge if you meet your goals, you split the pot with the other winners.
I am proud to say that I submitted my final weight verification for the challenge Monday and at that time I had met the 6% goal and passed it. I lost 8.61%!!!
I have also signed up for the HealthyWager personal challenge. I got to pick how much weight I thought I could lose, the time frame I thought I could lose it in, and how much I could afford to bet. How much you bet determines how much you win.
I have until February 13th to hit my goal and I am 68.3% there so far. If I make my goal weight, I will win $393. No too shabby, huh?
Stay tuned and follow along to see if I can make my goal!
Are you ready to lose some weight? Do you need some motivation? Click here to sign up!